‘I Don’t Want to Rest in Pieces like Final Destination’

Posted: Friday, 21 August 2009 by Weng Chiew in

Wow!! Wow!! Wow!! Final Destination Rest In Piece is hell out an AWESOME movie...

For the past, I have been following all the Final Destination movie and what I can say from this trailer, this new Final Destination..I can feel its a different and more excitement movie.* MORE TERRIFYING AND MORE ACTIONS*

So here I am....posting this post as NUFFNANG ( Nuffnang is as generous as always =P ) is giving 80 pairs of free passes to the Premiere Screening of Final Destination: Rest in Pieces.....ah!!!! I want some tickets to watch the premier...I'm so hunger for it =P

Final Destination: Rest In Pieces by Warner Bros. Pictures

OMG!!!! Its so exciting just by watching the trailer!!

for Warner Bros. Pictures Movie!!!!