Fishy FISHY DaY!!!
Posted: Thursday, 25 June 2009 by Weng Chiew inFishing day for me!!!! Finally I have the chance to experience the way of fishing like I always wanted to.. =)
So It was on a weekend and my friend called me to go fishing, and I can say it was a fun experience as we have an experience fishing instructor with us to teach us the skill to fish, the ingredient used to fish different kind of fishes and even the way to handle a fishing rod.
What I can say, I really called a day as we fish around 10am till 3pm...people might think it will be a very boring activity..but surprisingly we enjoyed talking together, having some tea by the side while waiting for the fish to hooked up and the biggest achievement of mine...I hooked up 9 fishes that day and I can say it really needs patience and strength throughout the process..So enjoy the pictures>>
The fishing instructor.
THX for the day!!
Ian's friend
Cruel Ian!!!
Pohu Fish.
My fish is bigger than the instructor..
( So I think I'm qualified to teach my friend how to Fish already =) )
(ps* I use around 20-30mins just to caught that heavy and hyperactive fish)