Hennessy Artistry 2009@ The Loft..( preview )
Posted: Sunday, 26 April 2009 by Weng Chiew in
Well first of all..i would like to thank Mr.zeckster for inviting me as his guest to join this wonderful event. to talk about this event it was trying to promote Hennesy Vsop itself and the art of mixing it. and here as well i would like to thank NUFFNANG for providing the bloggers with the VIP pass..
Not to forget.i met some cool friends there as well ( Hitomi, Lionel a.k.a Serge, Cojack, Yenniedoll, Jessica and etc ^.^ )
So everyone cheers to Hennesy Artistry 2009@ The Loft!!!More updates will be uploaded soon...as i need to get the PICS from mr. ZUES!!!
~signing off 2.30a.m..